
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sick and tired ... 

Of being ill! Life is definitely a lemon at the moment and I need to make lemonade as I'm getting distinctly fed up with it all.
The dermatologist has made her diagnosis. I have Mastocytosis, so now she's given me some cream and patches to use and has lost interest in me. I don't need to go back until August. What causes it is a complete mystery to her and apparently of no real interest.
The haemotologist is happy that whatever it all is, it's not blood related, so I don't need to see them again .... which is just as well, cos every visit there, meant I was punctured for numerous tests, although I will forever be blase about having blood taken after my one excruciating experience of bone marrow extraction! That seriously could be used as an effective torture procedure.
The all over suntan I was acquiring courtesy of the NHS has come to an end, cos it wasn't doing anything to the lurgy!
My social life has revolved around doctor appointments for so long, now those seem to have ceased, I rarely seem to go anywhere.
However, the story doesn't end there. A friend recommended that I read the book Eating for your Blood Type by Peter A'Damo. This advises that as a Type O, I should be on a High Protein, low carb, gluten and dairy free diet. I should also be following an intensive exercise regime. I realised that the last time I'd cleared up the lurgy, was when I was doing precisely this, albeit, by accident. So far, I've managed to stick to a fairly wheat and dairy free diet, although a week or so ago I was in a hurry and so grabbed a 'normal' sandwich. Not only was I uncomfortable as this digested, within a couple of days, I was again laid low by the lurgy, so it appears to be an allergic reaction.
I've got as far as getting the application forms for the local health centre. I'm not particularily keen on aerobics ... by the time I've got the exercise right and in time to the music, the class are onto something else ... but I do like water aerobics. Swimming too is good exercise and I quite like doing the circuit. I had to go to my GP to get a referral and she'd just received some bumph about a programme starting up at the Royal. Weightloss, but combining diet, exercise and pyschology, so she's putting my name forward for that.
I've also been refered to the Gateway team and am waiting to hear from the pyschologist there ... I can't cope on my own or with just anti-depressants, I need to talk my problems out.
So while I haven't yet got lemonade, I've got as far as cutting the lemons!